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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

10 Quotes from Short Stories

Presenting to you the best quotes from the ten short stories I've read in the past one - two years. Hope you'll enjoy them..

1. I think the sun is a flower. That blooms for just one hour. – Margot’s Poem, All Summer in a Day (By Ray Douglas Bradbury)

2. The women toiled all day at this work, and the agent sat on silk cushions, smoking hookah. – The Blue Bead (By Noah Burke)

3. Whenever a star falls, a soul goes up to GOD. – Grandmother, The Little Match Girl (By Hans Christian Anderson)

4. As for Joe Thompson, there was not a man in all the neighbourhood who drank daily of a more precious wine of life than he. – An Angel in Disguise (By T.S. Arthur)

5. No eyes, nose, mouth – nothing! – A Face in the Dark (By Ruskin Bond)

6. Money has as way of taking wings unto itself, and you know it takes money to keep step with our crowd in Washington. – Mr. Easton, Hearts and Hands (by O.Henry)

7. The Tamil that Muni spoke was stimulating even as pure sound and the foreign listened with fascinating. – A Horse and Two Goats (By R.K. Narayan)

8. Yes. Because of the artillery. The captain told me to go because of artillery. – Old Man at the bridge(By Ernest Hemingway)

9. You can melt down all the gold medals and cups I have and they wouldn’t be a plating on the 24-carat friendship I felt for Luz Long that day. – My Greatest Olympic Prize(By Jesse Owens)

10. Tribe follows tribe, nation follows nation; like waves of the sea. It is the order of nature, and regret is useless. – Chief Seattle’s Speech(By Chief Seattle)

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