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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

A Letter To My Younger Self

Updated: Mar 3, 2020

Dearest Dylis,

Life has been a roller coaster with ups and down, highs and lows but all of it has passed. Life has moved on, and so have you. Don't let the past, blackmail the present, to ruin a beautiful future.Don't let worry weary you. Don't let life just pass. Always remember that you've got just one life, to make a successful one - solely lies in your young hands.

You are an amazing person, but you are damn emotional. You have to learn to shove your emotions in the bin, and think considering the facts. If you ever have to choose between facts and emotions, always weigh facts heavier than emotions. Never even for once take a decision when you are angry or disappointed, you will probably regret it later. Learn to respond in a controlled manner. Speak your truth quietly and clearly. Listen to everyone, even the dull and the ignorant have their story. Value people way more than material possessions, because materialistic pleasures are temporary but relationships last a lifetime.

Be more interested in your career, even if it's the most humble one. It's your true possession in the ever changing fortunes of time. The most priceless piece of advice anyone could ever give you is read a lot of books. I know you have cultivated a habit of reading books but it is very sporadic, make it more purposeful and intense. You will glad you did later.

In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your heart and soul. Be at peace with god, whatever you conceive him to be. Be at peace with your past and the future - you dream to live everyday. In conclusion, I am writing a small snippet from one of the most amazing poem I've ever read - Desiderata by Max Ehrmann:

"You are a child of the universe,

No less than the trees and the stars;

You have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,

No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."

"With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,

It is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."

Keep smiling the way you do and ever ever forget you are your own unique. You were not born to fit in, but instead to stand out.

- Yours forever and ever,

Dylis Nott


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