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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

Boredom: Don't Run From It

Boredom is the most feared phenomenon. We try to avoid it to the best of our abilities, running from it almost all the time. So it must be bad, is it? Let's Explore...

Bore, the word arrived in the English Dictionary after around 1750, after the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Charles Dickens almost viewed as an illness, something that physically hurts. So, is boredom so bad??

Kids do not feel boredom at all because they are not conditioned by the society and feel less responsibility on their tender shoulders. As we age we feel bored more often. Bored of our responsibility, bored of the rat race, bored of things around you, and ultimately Bored Of Life.

Our minds are a crazy storage spaces with decades of emotions and memories. Sometimes its better to let it wander and zoom thousands of miles away to countries, people and experiences that you have had or yearn to have. As it wanders about in space and time, watch it with curiosity and record the thoughts that stand out to you. The more you open your mind, the more you are open to creativity, the more ideas pour in. Once you have more ideas manifest them, do not let them go waste. Engage deeply in creative projects. Make this an important part of your life.

Let your creative projects to take you to creative places. Let it take you to scenarios that do not exist outside the confines of your brain. Let it take you to realities you someday want to live. Spend time with nature. Do not try to force the process, just set up the circumstances and let it happen on its own.

The days of boredom are prime drivers of creativity. Even Sir Isaac Newton stumbled with his idea of the "Universal Law of Gravitation" in quarantine due to the Plague Pandemic. Do not blame your circumstances or the uncertainty surrounding you, it will all be over some day. Have that Hope.

Don't be afraid of boredom. Don't mindlessly run from it. Being busy for the sake of avoiding boredom leads to procrastination. And if you Procrastinate the very reason to avoid boredom is eliminated.

If there is something you can do to beat boredom, that is focus on your work. Listen to music, to get into that state of mind of creativity and you'll be there, in a flow state.

Remember we are not machines. Let your mind wander and witness it with curiosity.

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