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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

Curious Boredom

Sun Is A White Dwarf!

The sun shone the brightest that summer, burning the back of his neck. He stood on the deck staring at the marvelously beautiful horizon, the point of convergence of the infinite blue Mediterranean Sea and the ultimate blue sky. He stood there with his mind predominantly preoccupied by his work. In this paradise of solitary, curious boredom he stood staring at the endless blue sky. Blue Sky?

Why is the sky blue, when sun is a white dwarf? Why are the dawn, dusk and twilight beautifully lit up in the violet, pink and orange tinge, when sun is a white dwarf? Most importantly why is the ocean blue? As he wondered, he performed a few experiments right away with the few instruments he had aboard. For his curious boredom, For his questioning ability, He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930. He was the first Asian to win this prestigious award. It was sir CV Raman, and the result of his curious boredom was the Raman effect explaining the blue sky and the blue blue ocean. Even when sun is a white dwarf.

Curious boredom, even Nikola Tesla experienced that not once but often, but the most memorable one was when he discovered the AC Generator, the power which runs our life. Walking in the park, reciting a nature poem in melancholy of having lost a thousand dollars to Edison over an American joke, he walked. Being a Serbian he couldn’t understand the American joke, he was disappointed. As he walked with his melancholic curious boredom, it stuck him – the greatest invention of all times, which made him the father of modern technology. The invention of the AC Generator was in curious boredom.

So was the universal law of gravitation. What do you think, it was discovered in Sir Isaac Newton’s laboratory next to his tabby cat or while creating replicas or showing his clockmanship to impress his grandma and her neighbors. Nope. He sat there under an apple tree cursing under his breath for the Great Plague had hit the then Communist Europe. Mother nature was agitated by his cursing, so she dropped an apple on his head and Voila! universal law of gravitation was discovered in his curious boredom.

So what exactly am I trying to tell you guys? Be Curiously Bored, Just Once, Often, Unapologetically and Deliberately. Think about yourself, the world around. Lift your chin up, look at the blue sky. Look around at a variety of trees, short-tall, wick-thin. Ask questions, be curious for our time is limited on earth but the number of answers to question is infinite.

I’ll be surprised if someone curiously doesn’t text me after reading this blog to ask – Why Is Sun Called A White Dwarf?

So today I want to leave you with – Be curiously bored, just once, often, unapologetically deliberately. Wishing you all a very curious National Science Day.

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