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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

Empathize (Poem - 3) - Oh! Life

Empathize is my poem collection written over two years. It deals with the priceless virtue of EMPATHY. This poem praises life. This section of the collection is about Empathy Towards Self.

Poem 3 - Oh! Life

Oh! Life reveal yourself,

I no longer can be myself.

Uncover your true colours,

Let me see my feathers -

The wings of fire

Constrained by no wires.

I deserve a life big enough,

Cuz I have gone through times rough and tough.

Now make yourself wonderful,

beautiful and colourful.

Don't hold back any longer,

Let my dreams wander

High up in the sky,

Let me fly.

Life, you were my best friend

Why did it all end?

Years ago, you were beside me,

Now don't you miss me?

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