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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

Empathize (Poem - 4) - My Dream

Empathize is my poem collection written over two years. It deals with the priceless virtue of EMPATHY. This poem praises a dream. This section of the collection is about Empathy Towards Self.

Poem 4 - My Dream

I saw a dream -

Like a cake full of cream,

Delicious was my dream.

Hence I said with a scream,

"I love you my dream".

Reasonable people love humans,

Well, let's be the unreasonable ones.

Let dreams fly beyond the sky,

Be no more shy.

When sky is not the limit

Our dreams won't wait a minute,

High up they'll soar

With moments anything but sour.

My dream was a glorious one -

Adulterated by none.

No, the world can't stop me

Nor can the obstacles halt me.

Now I am a free bird.

Why? Haven't you heard?

I saw a dream -

Like a cake full of cream,

Delicious was my dream.

Hence I said with a scream,

"I love you my dream".

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