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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

Empathize (Poem -8) - 49 Bravehearts

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

Empathize is my poem collection written over two years. It deals with the priceless virtue of EMPATHY. This poem is about Empathy towards the family of martyrs of the Pulwama attack on February 14, 2019. This poem condemns the attack and displays the uselessness of war and revenge.

Poem - 49 Bravehearts

49 Bravehearts

Sacrificed their life on the day of hearts.

2019's 14 February -

Was one of the worst disasters in a century.

Salute to the dauntless ones

Who fought with their brave guns.

There may be a fight,

To fright

Or to avenge;

But what good is revenge?

Few more lives -

Joining the dead's hives.

Peace treaties no longer work;

And our enemy is a lurk.

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