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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

Empathize (Poem - 1)- Caged bird

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

Empathize is my poem collection written over two years. It deals with the priceless virtue of EMPATHY. This poem deals with Empathy Towards Animals, here a caged bird.

Poem 1: Caged bird

A bird was caged and shackled,

From when it crackled

Out of the shell.

She always lived on the wall of the well

Always uncertain of her fall

From the stupid, uneven wall.

Then one day the cage was closed

As usual closed,

But the bird yearned to fly

Very, very high.

She tried, tried and tried to fly

Into the clear blue sky.

Her efforts were fruitful

As she was successful

In making way up high

In the blue, blue sky.

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