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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

Mortality at your doorsteps

Updated: Mar 14, 2020

Tick, Tock... Tick, Tock...Your time has elapsed – Mortality at your doorsteps

Like the constant tick - tock of the clock, Like the constant high – low tides of the Oceans, Like the periodic dusk and dawn – We are nearing death as days, months and years pass. We are joining the New Dead. Have you ever wondered – What will those who know you whisper about how you lived once you’re no longer here?

Seneca, a stoic philosopher, once said, “You live as if you were destined to live forever, no thought of your frailty ever enters your head, of how much time has already gone by - you take no heed. You squander time as if you drew from a full and abundant supply, though all the while that day which you bestow on some person or thing is perhaps your last.” He said it the best, the way in which I probably never could.

Thinking about death, brings what matters the most important into a clearer perspective and sharper focus. We mortals are bound to die, today or tomorrow our mortality will come knocking the sturdy doors of safety that we have raised for ourselves. Will the subtle problems haunt you at your deathbed, the way they do now? Would you still react and overreact to the trivial situations which what-so-ever have zero impact in your life? Well since none of us have stared death in its fiery eye, we can’t be certain about the answer but of course we can try to answer them. There is always hope.

Like Barack Obama said in his phenomenal presidential speech, “Hope is what sings happy songs next to fireside of despair.” It is the hope that we rest our life on. It is the hope we rest on our faith and belief on the Ultimate, Supreme Power beyond the knowledge of us trivial being.

Have the courage to lead a life full of great ideals, a life of world-class standards. At the end of the day, courage is what lets us run our own race, to be our own unique. Hence have the courage to stand strong alone, and not join the crowd of mediocrity. People you hang you with, shape you far more than destiny ever could. Choose your friends wisely, inevitably they shape your path.

Always ask yourself, ”Who will cry when you die?”. Live a legendary life, so that even if you lived for a short time – your life-story is an everlasting epic. Write your own legacy.

Be grateful for every moment. Stop wasting time on insanely trivial things.

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