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  • Writer's pictureDhruthi N

Terms related to Covid - 19

Updated: Apr 8, 2020

Do you know all the words related to the latest pandemic - Covid-19?

Well, here is your chance to know more..

Covid-19:The technical name for the coronavirus is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Related Coronavirus – 2 (that is, SARS – CoV 2). The respiratory disease it causes has been named Coronavirus disease 2019 (that is, Covid-19).

Coronaviruses are named after the crown shaped spikes that protrude from their surfaces, resembling the corona of the sun

Pandemic:A pandemic is a worldwide spread of a new disease that affects large number of people.

The WHO declared the Covid-19 outbreak as a global pandemic after it spread across six continents and more than hundred countries.

Flattening the curve: The term refers to a curve in a chart that shows when a surge of new coronavirus case are expected to strike and illustrates why not spreading of its infection is nearly as important as stopping it.

The high curve shows a peak, indicating a wave of coronavirus outbreak in the near brief term; the other which is flatter slope, indicates a more gradual rate of infection over a longer period of time.

Slowing and spreading out the tidal wave of cases will save lives.

Incubation period:The incubation period is the time it takes for the symptom to appear after a person is infected. This time can be critical for prevention and control, and it allows health officials to quarantine or observe people who may have been exposed to the virus.

The Covid-19 has an incubation period of 2 – 14 days, with symptoms appearing about five days after infection.

Social distancing:The virus can easily spread in dense places. Social distancing refers to measures that are taken to increase the physical space between people to slow the spread of the virus.

By maintaining a distance of 6 feet from others when possible, people may limit the spread of the virus.

Self-quarantine:Self-quarantine refers to the separation and restriction of the movement of people who were exposed to the virus to see if they become sick.

Who should self-quarantine?

If you’ve left an area with widespread or continuing transmission you should self-quarantine at home for a period of 14 days from the time you left.

While in quarantine, you shouldn’t receive any visitors and must stay three to six feet from others at all times.

Fatality Rate:Fatality rate is the number of deaths divided by the total number of confirmed cases. The WHO estimates the fatality rate of the Covid-19 to be about 3%, based on current data, but the experts suggest 1% is more realistic.

Be safe, be alert. But not Anxious.

Source: Know the terms related to Covid-19, an article by Deccan Herald.

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